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Normad is SplitWise for web3, where users pay what everyone agrees on. We are a Travel dapp for splitting expenses with your friends and colleagues for events, holidays, work and nomading.


Created At


Winner of


🏗 Polygon — Deployed on Polygon

Project Description

What is amazing about web3 is the many use cases we can implement. As part of the web3 community builders and enthusiasts we created a web3 Splitwise where users can manage household and travel expenses with friends and colleagues, with the purpose of facilitating transaction while group traveling and avoiding using multiple currencies.

We made a research and found out there are an estimated 35 million digital nomads and expecting to be over 1 billion by 2035. Digital nomads contribute a global economic value of $787 billion per year, making the size market a great opportunity to explore.

Our goals are: Help users to split travel group expenses in an easy and safe way trough a dApp. Users can create a wallet with same amount of funds to fund any shared travel expense during their trip and in order to validate transactions users need to agree on expenses using a multisig wallet to approve transactions, if at the end of the trip the money wasn't used, the smart contract returns the money to all the group users.

Think of it as your tool to pay for a trip along with your friends or family solving the stressful problem that is to recommend the payments to one person and make everyone send the money to that person.

Also with Nomard you will be able to vote for approve withdraw requests from the rest of the trip members. Until half of more of the members voted on favor of the withdraw the transaction will proceed.

Funds are received in crypto EVM compatible chains and USDC stable coins. After receiving the funds the funded amount will be changed to USDC tokens.

Nomard has these features to make it happen:

  • Login with Metamask, Walletconnect, Google or Discord
  • Create Trips
  • Manage trip members
  • Create a withdraw proposal to withdraw funds
  • Vote to approve or decline proposals
  • Attach tickets
  • Consult your trip balance
  • Get the rest of the funds not used dispersed between all the members of the trip
  • Fund your project with crypto

We are already planning for the future to include cross chain and implement other types of payments as wells as a cross chain feature to allow users access to assets from any chain.

How it's Made

@Polygon We are using Polygon to deploy our smart contract.

@IPFS & Filecoin We are using IPFS storage to host and publish & storage the data of the users.

@The Graph We use the Graph to query dapp data in an efficient, streamlined way.

@Web3Auth We are also offering a login power by Web3auth where users can enter through their gmails or discord

@ENS Domain To allow our users to have their ENS instead of a larger wallet

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