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Ensuring the authenticity of videos leveraging the power of blockchain.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

No Fake Chain is an innovative product designed to address one of the challenges of the digital age: the issue of deepfakes. Users can upload a variety of content forms (images, videos, text), which the system then verifies for deepfake authenticity. This verification value is permanently stored on the blockchain.

Traditional Approach and its Limitations Traditional blockchain-based solutions typically store a digital footprint of the content during its initial upload. However, such methods have several drawbacks:

  • They are vulnerable to replay or other forms of re-recording attacks.
  • There's the inconvenience of always having to attach a digital footprint during content uploads.

Innovative Approach of No Fake Chain No Fake Chain addresses these issues with the following features:

  • Ensemble & Mixture of Experts Structure: By combining multiple nodes with various detectors, it enhances the accuracy of deepfake detection. Using multiple verification mechanisms, it increases reliability and minimizes the risk of incorrect judgments.
  • Trustless Verification: Through the use of Filecoin it proves the verification value remains unaltered, ensuring the integrity of the information. Also, with the Chainlink Functions, the verification is proven free from oracle problem.
  • Plug-and-Play API: This API stores the verification result along with the content's URI or path in the blockchain. Therefore, users on other platforms (e.g., YouTube, Twitter) can easily verify the authenticity of the content they're viewing.

How it's Made

Why We Developed This In today's digital age, the rise of deepfake technology has blurred the lines between reality and fiction. It's become increasingly difficult for people to distinguish genuine content from manipulated versions. This presents a real challenge, emphasizing the importance of being able to verify and confirm the authenticity of original content.

How We Achieved It React for the frontend interface, while utilizing Express and Flask for backend operations. For decentralized storage, we incorporate from Filecoin to tap into IPFS capabilities. Additionally, we employ Chainlink functions to facilitate API calls from web2, ensuring we receive trusted responses. For deploying our contracts, we've chosen the Polygon network.

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