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Every tweet is a story, mint your story into colours today!


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Project Description

The NFT art community is constrained by a very limited permutations of NFT combinations that are made with pre-existing layers only arranged and rearranged again and time again one has no element or art and suprise. Thus we created a website that takes a given tweet as input and generates a unique and random image using AI to take NFT art on the next level 🚀 Because why sell your tweets when you sell your tweet art! We used OpenAI's text completion and Dall-E to generate image from text, first we find keywords from the tweet using text completion API then we use the output as prompt for Dall-E to generate an image which is later minted as NFT

How it's Made

It was hard for us to accurately determine the key words that we should use to generate our NFT for clearer and more precise results.

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