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NFTs.Travel allows you to mint digital artworks experienced during travel as NFTs and share them.


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Project Description

"NFTs on Travel" Travel experience and NFT are similar. It is a non-fungible, unique, indelible, valuable memory and asset. So we created NFTs.Travel is an NFT specialized in the travel experience, and an NFT that can share the travel experience with others. It is a bridge that connects the digital world with the real experience, not just staying in the digital world.

How it's Made

NFTs.Travel is built with ERC-721 based NFT tokens. Enter the details of the NFT using the Zora protocol and generate a token. Generated tokens are minted for sale and sharing in the Zora marketplace. To create a travel-specific NFT, we recorded the user's location and recorded the time it was created, so that the experience of traveling at that place at that time was recorded as an NFT so that it can be remembered for a long time.

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