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NFT Vote to Earn

This is a NFT floor price voting sytem to earn the prize like airdrop. You can guess the floor price of the NFT collection, up or down. That is it. If you are correct you can get airdrop of the native token listing that NFTs

NFT Vote to Earn

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll β€” Pool Prize

Project Description

This enables the users to earn tokens just by predicting NFT collection's floor price next day. If the prediction is correct, they can earn the token. If not they cannot earn the token. However, they do not have to worry about losing thier money because they do not have to make an investment on the prediction. They do not have to buy FTs/NFTs. The only effort they need to earn is just "prediction". The prediction itself is very simple 2 choices; up or down. The funding comes from NFT project or L1/L2 chains listing that NFT. The platform serves as the marketing function. Users get incentivized to add new network and try to use them.

How it's Made

The project was built by react and solidity on scroll platform. We use Blast API to connect with scroll sepolia testnet. It enables us to connect scroll network easily. In addtion to that, we use NFTscan API to retrieve the NFT image data stored in IPFS format. One notable thing in our project is the simplicity. It is very clear for users to use Up and Down bottun. We also added messaging function in the UI so that users can confirm what they did in the contract. For example, that sends back to users about data;timestamp, address, message(Up or Down). This shows who send what message at when.

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