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Messenger with DAO management functionality and NFT-role system.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

We are building a Web3 platform comparable to daily-used messengers allowing to turn communities into DAOs(via a built-in voting system and treasury management). Creators can create DAOs to communicate in membership chats and fund their communities by selling NFT-Memberships. Imagine, Messenger(like Facebook messenger) + DAO functionality, with NewConnection, you can create proposals, think about management treasury, or chill chat with your NFT-membership friends.

How it's Made

NewConnection uses react framework WAGMI to connect the user's wallet. Product data users are stored on the Moralis backend, but NFTs images and metadata are on @IPFS through NFT.Storage. Where every user can create voting NFT. Also, the DAO cover image and logo were uploaded on IPFS.

Also, We wrote Smart-Contract for DAO, which can give you access by multiple NFTs, which allows you to create an organization with your unique roles, where users can vote only with this role.(

NewConnection works on @Polygon(Mumbai Network), @Optimism(Testnet), @Skale(Testnet), and @Aurora(Mainnet) with these beautiful chains, users don't need to worry about chains. Users can create DAO and NFT-Membership on any network and think only about management and chatting. Live Demo:

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