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Encode the pixel into the amount of ether being sent. Real-time display of updates based on the scanner.


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Project Description

Our hackathon project lets users create digital art on the blockchain by converting transaction amounts into RGB colors and coordinates. Instead of manually defining each color and coordinate, users can simply send a transaction like "25525525511," which automatically translates into RGB(255, 255, 255) and coordinates (X=1, Y=1). This makes it easy and affordable to fill in the canvas.

We’ve integrated Web3Auth Embedded Accounts to make the platform accessible to everyone, even users without prior Web3 experience.

The platform offers both creative and competitive modes where users can contribute to a shared canvas. Those who participate in creating the canvas will receive NFTs based on their contributions, with the canvas owner deciding how the NFTs are distributed.

How it's Made

The project is based on several tools used together. We have used Remix and Hardhat for the Smart Contract creation and testing. The project uses two smart contracts, "CanvasDeployer" and "Canvas". Users can use "CanvasDeployer" to create a "Canvas". "Canvas" will accept the payments and log the events so the backend can read and store the data. Information passed via events will be used as a basis to color the pixels and create unique art pieces through a collaborative effort.

Our frontend is based on a React application, to interact with contracts we are utilizing Wagmi. On the backend, we use MongoDB and Viem to listen to events emitted by the contract. Later those events are stored in a database and via React displayed on the frontend to complete the canvas. Each new transaction that satisfies our conditions, i.e., coordinates are within the range and RGB values are provided correctly, will color a specific pixel on the canvas.

To make onboarding the new users easier we are utilizing Web3Auth Embedded Accounts (Account Abstraction).

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