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MusicMint enables musicians to earn from their art. It offers exclusive music streams, with listeners able to donate to their favorite artists. Top donors per streaming minute earn unique NFT rewards, with both - sound snapshoot and Nouns unique image.


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of


🏊 Polygon — Build on Polygon


🔟 FVM — Built on Filecoin

Project Description

MusicMint is a platform where artists can monetize their music and listeners can enjoy exclusive live streams. Here's a simple breakdown of how it works:

Artists Livestream: Artists host their music streams on the platform. These can be exclusive performances or new song debuts, or anything the artist wants to share with their audience.

Listeners Tune In: Fans from around the world tune into these live streams. They can choose from several parallel streams, each featuring a different artist.

Listeners Donate: To support their favorite artists, listeners can donate Matic coins directly through the platform. They simply connect their Metamask wallet and choose how much they want to donate.

Bidding for NFTs: As an added twist, listeners can bid during the streams. Each minute, the highest bidder receives a unique 1-minute NFT from the ongoing stream. These NFTs include a sound snapshot of the music stream and a unique avatar image from the Nouns project.

How it's Made

We've used the Figma with Polygon Finity Design System to ensure an attractive and intuitive interface.

The backend leverages web3, web3js, FFmpeg, and IPFS core for a secure, high-quality streaming and decentralized storage solution.

Our frontend utilizes React and TypeScript. Tailwind, SWR, Axios, and Jotai handle our design, data fetching, HTTP requests, and state management, respectively.

Our smart contracts are written in Solidity and enhanced with Wagmi and Viem. We've set up our platform on the Polygon PoS Mumbai Testnet to ensure smooth and fast transactions.

We use a peer-to-peer system with SRS technology for the music streaming part. This allows for high-quality music streams and lets us host several livestreams simultaneously. That means users have a bunch of different music experiences to choose from.

We've also woven in unique NFT avatars from the Nouns project. These add a personal touch and strengthen the bond between artists and listeners. We store all the NFTs and metadata on

To make donating easy, we've set up our platform to work well with Metamask. This way, users can directly donate Matic coins to their favorite artists.

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