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MultiSig Wallet

A MultiSig wallet where 2 or more user can open a join/shared wallet.

MultiSig Wallet

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

A MultiSig wallet where 2 or more user can open a join/shared wallet. This smart contract is designed such a way where the will be a multiple owners can share a wallet for business purposes. And deployer can also set the required number for a transaction to execute but to deposit fund into the wallet there will no need for confirmation.

How it's Made

In this project for the smart contract development I used Solidity, Hardhat, Typescript, Ether.js, Alchemy node. Solidity was used to write the smart contract, hardhat was used as the testing framework and also used for deployment. Typescript and ether.js library was used for writing the script. and last but not least alchemy was used for node. And Remix was used initially to write, test and deploy the contract.

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