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With MultiDeploy, you can effortlessly execute smart contract deployments on numerous chains, all while utilising your funds from a single source in just one seamless transaction.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Tableland — Prize Pool


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

MultiDeploy is designed to simplify and streamline the process of deploying smart contracts across different blockchain networks, making it easier for developers to interact with multiple blockchains seamlessly.

Multi-Chain Deployment: MultiDeploy enables users to deploy the same smart contract on various blockchain networks simultaneously, with the same address across all blockchains making the user experience better.

Single Source of Funds: Users can fund the deployment of their smart contracts from a single source, typically a wallet or account on a specific blockchain network.

User-Friendly Interface: We are planing to create the client side integration as seamless as possible


  • Deploy to multiple chains with one transaction
  • Pay gas with one token on one chain
  • Trust deployments with Mask.ID
  • Collaborate with a team
  • Deployment history
  • One address on all chains

##Contracts -Scroll Sepolia : Sender : 0xD96eD5D45bA2A5f846605f6cC250DEAc244B99D4 Receiver: 0x4374db7eF1A32Cef53AB81CB31eAC65f89B5F2e1 -Polygon ZK Testnet : Sender : 0xD96eD5D45bA2A5f846605f6cC250DEAc244B99D4 Receiver: 0x4374db7eF1A32Cef53AB81CB31eAC65f89B5F2e1 -Mantle : Sender : 0xD96eD5D45bA2A5f846605f6cC250DEAc244B99D4 Receiver: 0x4374db7eF1A32Cef53AB81CB31eAC65f89B5F2e1 -Goerli : Sender : 0xe8eF7441F86C515387CC5415289C8F547803058d Receiver: 0x2040bD5940831b2f88740A0967758876B829E538 -Mumbai: Sender : 0xe8eF7441F86C515387CC5415289C8F547803058d Receiver: 0x2040bD5940831b2f88740A0967758876B829E538 -Sepolia: Sender : 0xe8eF7441F86C515387CC5415289C8F547803058d Receiver: 0x2040bD5940831b2f88740A0967758876B829E538

How it's Made

MultiDeploy project leverages the Hyperlane's interoperability layer to offer users the flexibility to choose their target blockchain networks for smart contract deployment. Users initiate the deployment process by signing a transaction with the MultiDeploy contract on their current blockchain. This triggers the deployment not only on the current chain but also broadcasts the deployment instructions to all other selected blockchain networks using Hyperlane's mailbox and paying the gas on the destination using IGP. MultiDeploy utilises to verify the authenticity of a smart contract deployer by cross-referencing it with the sybil list. Additionally, we bridge the gap between web3 and web2 social identities by harnessing an identity graph from the Mask Network, using self-generated credentials.

  • Hyperlane: Crosschain messaging and gas
  • Tableland: Store project state
  • Mask / Next.ID: Sybil detection and social trust
  • Deployed to: Filecoin, Polygon ZK, and Mantle
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