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Blockchain-native messaging app between Ethereum accounts in Polygon.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

This project seeks to enable on-chain messages with in-message payments to incentivize people to rely to messages. This application uses NFTs to make messages noticeable to people that doesn't have the application to break the application-awareness problem faced by every other application system. This application supports encrypted and not-encrypted messages. The encryption happens symmetrically and asymmetrically using Deffie-Hellman key exchange on secpt256k1.

How it's Made

This application leverage on Polygon for fast and cheap transactions, as well as The Graph protocol for message querying. This application works as a complementary service the to off-chain service offered by XMTP. . The encryption happens symmetrically and asymmetrically using Deffie-Hellman key exchange on secpt256k1.

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