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Moments Swap is a social program where you can share text, pictures and videos. All shares posted on Moments Swap are by default an NFT, and other users can buy, rent your NFT shares


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Moments Swap is a social program where you can share text, pictures and videos. All shares posted on Moments Swap are by default an NFT, and other users can buy, rent your NFT shares. The purchaser owns the share and can then advertise on it or buy it from the next person. All advertising and NFT revenue will be transparently shared among ecological contributors, and the ecosystem has multiple ways to contribute and benefit

How it's Made

Moments Swap is a decentralized Web 3.0 commons, and the Moments Swap network is a SocialFi initiative through which users can share their raw information. Creators, curators and other interested participants can also benefit from the original tokens. The platform revenue is a fully automated and transparent process, which is distributed to the users of each Moments Swap by market mechanisms.

On a decentralized social platform like Moments Swap, each Moment posted generates an NFT, facilitating future transactions. Moments Swap will also sell advertising space on each Moment as an NFT, and at an open price and in a fair manner.

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