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As soon as a NFT has been minted, issue an attestation in the atst system from OP - the attestation sender is the deployer of the NFT contract and the receiver is the minter


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

The project allows to issue an attestation from the deployer of a NFT smart contract to the minter of said NFT automatically.

We use a demo smart contract for NFT from thirweb

Alchemy is used for listening to the NFT smart contract mints and send a webhook to a cloudflare worker

The cloudflare worker receives mint events from the alchemy webhook. It does the atst creation from the contract deployer

The schema for the atst is It mainly a string minted where we store the transaction hash of the mint.

How it's Made

The worker folder is cloudflare worker deployed at It receives POST from the alchemy webhook listening to mints. First it derivers the minter address and the mint transaction hash from the body of the webhook. Then it sets up the attestation services withthose data, plus a provider, plus a signer 5the contract deployer but could be anything), plus the schema UID. Then the worker issues the attestion and returns

The frontend folder contains a webpage deployed on cloudflare pages at - it is mainly an embed to a thirdweb page to mint

The eas folder contains a script to issue a attestation; unused, just for debugging

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