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Mint-my-files on Zora , NFT Tools

IPFS & NFT Creation tool for Zora ecosystem and music and media files.

Mint-my-files on Zora , NFT Tools

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Project Description

We want to make easy creatring NFTs on Zora by providing a step by step process and all the NFT Tools required.

IPFS & NFT Creation tool for Zora ecosystem and music and media files. New feature tp add to the mint-my-files tool from AquaMetaverse GameFI ecosystem.

We are creating POC and Hackathon code to assemble our platform which is in apha.

How it's Made

We use Zora Creator and tools , , polygon , Moralis , and REACT Front end We support multiple chains and IPFS gateways to add redundancy

We intended to add lit protocol and more advanced NFT creation but time is short on this event

We also have a music marketplace frontend whichwe are evolving to do multiwallet

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