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A Decentralized Game Development Assets Marketplace. A platform for Indie game developers that allows for the purchase , selling and storage of game developer assets.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Winner of


πŸ₯‡ Push Protocol β€” Best Use

Project Description

This a marketplace best suited for indie game developers to sell, buy and store game development assets. Here, developers can use cryptocurrency to buy or sell assets such as 3D models, textures, and other game development resources. Transactions are made directly between buyers and sellers, without the need for a third-party platform. As a result, developers can buy and sell assets faster and with fewer transaction fees, while maintaining their privacy and security.

Additionally, decentralized game development marketplaces offer a secure and immutable ledger for game assets, ensuring that all transactions are transparent and secure. This protects developers from scams and ensures that game assets are not stolen or duplicated.

Overall, decentralized game development marketplaces provide developers with a secure, low-cost, and efficient way to trade game assets and services. It’s an ideal way for developers to easily access the game assets they need to create their projects, while maintaining their privacy and security.

How it's Made

FlLECOIN VIRTUAL MACHINE - The NFTMarktplace oriented smart contract that will facilitate purchase, creation and selling of game development assets is deployed on the Filecoin Hyperspace testnet. In addition, Deployment of the frontend via Spheron will also leverage Filecoin for storage.

PUSH PROTOCOL - Push notifications will be a powerful tool for engaging with users and keeping them updated on relevant content. By leveraging the push protocol, notifications can be sent via messages that appear on the user's device. These notifications can be triggered based on certain events, such as when a user receives a message pertaining a game asset or when content is updated, and can be tailored to each user's interests and preferences. In this instance, push notifications are integrated within the wallet connect button.

LIGHTHOUSE - Lighthouse is implemented in the project and can be accessed through the "choose file" button in the frontend hero section. It is used to store data permanently on IPFS after getting signed by the user.

SPHERON - Spheron was used to deploy and host the site.

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