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Metabolism X CV

Side project to work on during the week to play around with new NFT related tools and external SDKs to enhance cv site

Metabolism X CV

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Project Description

Side project to work on during the week to play around with new NFT related tools and external SDKs to enhance cv site. Things that is going to include in this project is:

  • add Spinamp playlist into the site for web3 music streaming on the site
  • using Zora's V3 Asks Contract to sell CV's ERC-721 NFT for a specific asking price
  • interact with Zora's V3 Contracts on the Polygon Mumbai chain

How it's Made

CV site is an established NFT marketplace and a running NFT agency based in Australia. We always looking to extend our web3 exploration and try out new tech. I use Spinamp's sdk to pull playlist's audio url and make a music play on the background of the CV site to give the site sense of web3 music wave. A embedded Spinamp widget also been added to the bottom of the homepage for users to explore web3 playlist. I also looked into using the Zora Asks V1.1 smart contract to enable selling of CV's ERC-721 NFTs for a specific asking price. Redesigned the "sell" page of NFT detailed page to interact with Zora V3 smart contract through our frontend, especially testing on Polygon Mumbai testnet.

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