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Bake metadata into permanent storage based on nft contract state or specific batches


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

We have created a hardhat plugin to automatically manage and publish your revealed NFT metadata and images via NFT.Storage with IPFS and Filecoin. This enables developers to keep track of and gradually reveal the metadata of a NFT project as they like, in a familiar environment to where they are already doing all of their on-chain operations and contract state management. Our aim is to simplify the metadata operations and contract state side of NFT projects for developers / maintainers.

How it's Made

We use IPFS and Filecoin via the apis and website, as well as integrating the entire workflow as a hardhat plugin that developers can import directly into their existing projects. The APIs were super simple to use and the hardhat plugin creation process was a lot simpler than I had anticipated. Overall the technologies Just Work tm

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