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A decentralised platform for medical crowdfunding that allows users to start their own campaigns to raise money for their medical treatments as well as contribute to other campaigns.


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Winner of


🏊 Valist — Prize Pool

Project Description

Medi-Fund's primary target audience is those who are in desperate need of financial assistance to pay for medical treatments that may be too expensive for them to afford.

Problems with traditional crowdfunding

  • With traditional crowdfunding platforms the transactions may not be 100% secure
  • Since vital data is involved such as medical records , it is at risk in a centralised platform
  • In a centralised platform the trust is imbibed with the authority to ensure that the required fund reaches the one in need

How Medi-Fund solves the problem?

  • The entire implementation is backed by Blockchain Technology. Crowdfunding via Medi-Fund is securely encrypted by Ethereum Blockchain and hence helps to establish seamless transfers.
  • The smart contract functionality ensures that the funds raised are not misused and only the amount approved by the contributors is reached to the end user
  • The campaigns are transparent and the authenticity of the campaign is agreed upon by the majority
  • The transactions are transparent hence the contributors can verify and cannot be tampered with

How it's Made

Challenges we faced

  • While working on this project, a major issue arose: verifying the authenticity of the user. While trying to make the application decentralized, we wanted to not hold any kind of control over the users' data. Hence in the end we decided to leave the authenticity to the user who decides to donate funds. The user can verify the details himself and donate if he wishes to. By doing this we hold no control to decide the authenticity of the fundraiser.
  • While hosting on the platform we wanted to consider the scenario in which the funds might get lost and decided to not hold any funds in the account and let all donated funds remain in the deployed contract. This helps us not be accountable for any donated funds, making it a decentralized application.
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