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Create a platform that connects Lenders and Borrowers in the same space, leveraging their interactions and reputation in social media as a credit score.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Winner of


✨ Worldcoin — Honorable mention


🏊‍♂️ Superfluid — Pool Prize

Project Description

Lending Money made easy, users will be able to borrow money from lenders just accessing the site using their Lens Profile. Loan will be backed against their Superfluid salary stream. Lenders can set specific conditions for each loan such as amount to borrow, interest rate and duration of the loan.

How it's Made

This project uses NextJS Framework for FrontEnd, BackEnd APIs designed to preserve security. Lens Protocol gives us a social environment, where we can create a marketplace to portray supply and demand of loans. Superfluid a streaming protocol to send money every second as a salary. Loans can be created in the middle of these salaries, and stream money to the employee and lenders. WorldCoin Proof of personhood, making sure that borrowers are real, and they are not impersonating someone else. No traditional KYC. Polygon Ethereum scaling platform. IPFS Storage technology to provide content.

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