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MangaKorner is an innovative marketplace where users can bring their dream manga characters and dialogues to life through AI-generated content.These creations are then tokenized as NFTs, enabling users to buy, sell, and trade their one-of-a-kind manga characters and stories.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊‍♀️ Mantle — Build on Mantle

Project Description

The global manga and comic market is a whopping $20 Billion industry which is controlled by a handful of production houses. The industry has high skill and capital requirements which limits creators to present their stories to the world.

MangaKorner is a platform that provides advanced AI capabilities which allow creators to set up their characters and worlds in an instant. We also provide a manga distribution marketplace which allows creators to list down their mangas as NFTs. These can be subscribed and purchased by end users.

Here are our unique offerings:

  1. AI Powered Character Generation

Reduces the time to produce characters and scenes to minutes when compared to the traditional techniques of setting up each scene from scratch.

  1. Script Generation

Enables creators to create dialogues in real time just by narrating the description of the scene

  1. Manga Editor

In app tool to edit ,resize characters, add dialogues and create manga strips on the go!

  1. Mint Manga as NFTs

Creators just need to upload their manga file and our system mints them as an NFT which is listed in the marketplace.

  1. Manga Marketplace

Allows creators to list down their manga in the marketplace which can be purchased by end users. This sets up a transparent process so that the funds are directly received by the owner. By setting up limited edition manga, a economic system is also set in place where users can exchange and profit by selling their NFTs

How it's Made

The following partners were used for this project:

  1. Mantle :

The smart contract for the trading of mangas is deployed on mantle which enables low gas fee transactions. Hence all payments occur in MNT within the app itself. This provides functionalities such as buy,sell trade NFTs and control ownership.

The smart contract is deployed on test net and can be accessed via

  1. Filecoin :

Our project uses filecoin to persist all the assets used in the creation of manga. This includes the images for characters, edits and the actual manga file itself. is used to interact with the storage layer from our Javascript code.

Hence on the creation of a character or manga file, we first store it in filecoin, and obtain the content hash. This hash is stored in table land which acts as our relational database.

  1. Tableland

Tableland is used as the relational database to create our tables for Characters, and Manga details. We use the Javascript SDK to perform reads and writes within the application.

The tableland cli has been configured for inserting bulk records to the table and analysis of data

We have made use of optimism goerli testnet as the chain with tableland

Deployment Link :

Hacky feats:

  1. Our main contract for trades runs on mantle and tableland uses optimism. Handling both of them with a clean UX is a notable feat

  2. We also implemented a single source to handle inserts to the tableland database which makes interface smooth instead of having to sign a transaction for each write to the db

We also make use of libraries like hugging face, Open AI APIs for the Generative AI components to make characters and generate dialogues

Presentation link :

background image mobile

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