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MakersPool is bringing funding to makers everywhere. Join and create crowdsourced pools to make video requests. Receive access to all submissions and vote to determine which creator gets paid the pool amount.


Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Project Description

MakersPool is blockchain-enabled solution to help people crowdfund digital asset pools that pay creators in exchange for video work. This makes it easier for users to draw larger pools of money together that incentivize high-quality submissions by creators. Creators compete with each other in order to receive payout for their work. Users can post "bounties" where they set a minimum stake amount by offering the first stake (for example, 20 MATIC). Other users can browse posted public bounties online in order to crowdfund certain ideas. Creative, viral requests draw interest from the public, who can join the funding effort and increase the community pool as the incentive for fulfilling a request. Creators can upload their video work for the bounty and requesters who originally staked toward the fund can vote on the submissions. The top-voted project receives the entire pool and in exchange, the requesters who staked get shared ownership of all entries for the bounty. For someone who creates a bounty, they are seeking a variety of enthralling video clips on the request they make. For a creator fulfilling a bounty, they let their work speak for itself under a wallet name and allow themselves a greater audience that compensates them for top-notch work.

How it's Made

MakersPool utilizes Livepeer and Polygon technology to provide a crowdfunding service to content creators. Polygon allows our platform to run efficiently and affordably. Livepeer ensures video is stored securely and cost-effectively, while providing privacy, and ease of access to download, share and view the video after submission.

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