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Meet strangers, on a troll-free platform. Like omegle, without the ********. Impossible on web2, made possible by web3.


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Winner of


🎮 Valist — Best App/Games Deployed with Valist

Project Description

On any anonymous platform in web2, banning bad users effectively is impossible without compromising on privacy. With web3 and zkProofs, we can ensure that bad actors once banned from the platform cannot return to it, making the platform better for all users, without compromising on privacy of any users.

We've used World ID to ensure that one human can make only account on or platform. And then strangers are connected. Upon getting reported 5 times (can be changed to a better threshold later), a user is banned and will never be able to come back to the platform. We use Huddle for communication.

This platform makes it safer, easier and a much more positive experience for human beings looking to connect with other human beings.

Omegle was mostly a bad experience for most people we talked to. Makefrens solves it, and makes it the best stranger meeting platform ever on the internet.

We also plan to add filtering by NFTs held by the user, or tokens held, other on-chain criterias, interests, etc.

Imagine being able to meet someone who's interested in the same NFT project as you are. Makefrens will be the best place to make frens, which was impossible by web2, made possible by web3 🚀

How it's Made

Documentation of some tools weren't accurate and led us to wasting a lot of time. Talking to the team later when they became available was the only way to solve it.

Other than that, there were minor issues we faced which we were able to brainstorm together as a team and get through.

Internet connection was the biggest hurdle we faced. We kept shifting places so that we can try to keep building.

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