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LNX enables the usage of Linux-powered dApps across all the blockchain ecosystems.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

LNX is an innovative project that introduces a groundbreaking solution for deploying a Cartesi-powered Linux dApps across all the blockchain ecosystem. This solution enables cross-chain communication, allowing computer-demanding decentralized applications to seamlessly function on different blockchains.

Project Overview

LNX harnesses the robust capabilities of Cartesi, a versatile app-specific scaling solution, to enable Linux runtime dApps across different blockchains, taking interoperability to a new level. The project addresses a critical challenge within the blockchain ecosystem by offering a solution that breaks the limitations of being confined to a single blockchain. These limitations encompass issues such as liquidity bottlenecks, restricted user bases, constrained community engagement, alongside technical and operational challenges. LNX's cross-chain capabilities provide the flexibility to adapt, scale, and engage with diverse user communities across multiple blockchains while safeguarding against the rigidity of a single-chain approach, ensuring the longevity and versatility of dApps in an ever-evolving blockchain landscape.


  1. Blockchain Agnosticism: LNX provides blockchain agnosticism, allowing developers to choose from a range of blockchains for dApp deployment. This flexibility reduces the risk associated with blockchain-specific challenges and limitations.

  2. Scalability and Portability: The LNX infrastructure solution enhances dApp scalability by offering the flexibility to deploy on different blockchains. Developers can select the blockchain that best suits their scalability needs, with the added benefit of the option to migrate should their requirements change, ensuring an unmatched level of portability.

  3. Interoperability: Cross-chain communication facilitates innovative cross-chain functionality, such as decentralized exchanges operating across multiple blockchains, harnessing the strengths of each network.

  4. Diverse User Bases: Accessing multiple blockchains allows developers to tap into a broader range of user communities and ecosystems, fostering credibility, community growth, market expansion, and increasing the potential for widespread adoption.

  5. Decentralization and Security: LNX maintains core blockchain principles, ensuring security and decentralization across multiple networks.

6.Risk Mitigation: The ability to deploy on various blockchains reduces dependence on a single network, thereby mitigating risks associated with technical, operational, and governance issues, as well as concerns related to limited user base, low adoption rates, development constraints of the underlying chain, or regulatory alterations.

In summary, LNX, the Cross-Chain Cartesi-Powered Linux Runtime Rollup, offers dApp developers a versatile and adaptable solution for blockchain deployment. With the flexibility to operate on multiple blockchains, it enables developers to create versatile applications, achieve horizontal scalability, expand their user base, access greater liquidity, and navigate the ever-evolving blockchain landscape with confidence and ease, without being perpetually tied to their initial choice of base layer.

How it's Made

As the first step of LNX development, we create a simple Ethereum dApp that receives messages from Avalanche and implements CCIP from Chainlink. We used Infura RPC endpoint to have access to different blockchains and deployed the smart contract to Ethereum Sepolia. 
 We then built a Cartesi dApp - echo Python - from the available template, first by using Cartesi’s Rollups-as-a-service solution Sunodo and then by further customising the existing example of this dApp. We separately created a front-end console to interact with the dApp. We then deployed the Cartesi dApp to Sepolia, where we were also running a validator node.

Using Chainlink CCIP, we deployed an Ethereum Smart Contract that implements CCIPReceiver.sol interface and forwards information to the Cartesi Echo dApp. For this, we used Sepolia InputBox, Sepolia Relayer, Avax Sender, WSS for validator and the RPC endpoint.

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