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Protect your liquidities against price declines, choose the price at which you want to withdraw your cash and protect yourself against major losses.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

If the price of one of the tokens making up your liquidity falls sharply, this can lead to heavy losses. Fortunately, liquisafe is there to enable you to automatically exit your liquidity below a price per token defined by you. You can choose to just withdraw your cash or swap it all into a single token.

How it's Made

Created with scaffold eth. Smartcontract developed in Solidity with foundry, integration of chainlink price feed. Data collected with thegraph protocol. Website build with nextjx, wagmi, rainbowkit, etherjs.

Compatible with uniswap v2,v3,v4 and other defi protocol based on same smartcontract.

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