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App that lets you make private publications on Lens Protocol.


Created At

HackFS 2022

Project Description

LensIt lets users create private publications on the Lens Protocol, meaning if one wants to create a publication that only a few handles can read they can do it via LensIt. Furthermore, I plan to extend the project wherein a publication only visible to your followers can also be made via LensIt. LensIt can become a new breakthrough in decentralized social media as it now becomes possible to make content available in decentralized storage while being private.

How it's Made

LensIt uses Lit protocol to encrypt the content to be published to Lens Protocol on Polygon blockchain. Once the content is encrypted it is stored on IPFS for retrieving later for decryption. Along with the content, access control conditions are also stored on IPFS which are required by Lit Protocol during the decryption process. This opens a complete new door for Lens Protocol publications because now it finally makes sense to have paid followers and the content creators can share their content as they please without worrying about being not paid for it. Not just that even communities can be formed like reddit where all the posts are public on the Lens Protocol but only decrytable by the community members.

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