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LEGACY seeks to preserve humanity's history and our individual legacies, "forever", through inter-connected memoirs and stories


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Legacy is a Web3 community and platform for capturing and preserving personal and institutional memoirs, “forever”. Emerging technological developments such as perma-storage, Data/DAOs, compute-over-data, IPFS, digital ID, bolster Legacy's prospects of long-term resiliency. The stories from history and today are intended to be openly-accessible even centuries from now... what are the legacies each of us will leave behind? These processes collate a wider, immutable knowledgebase of civilian perspectives, helping purport freedom of speech and resist censorship or shutdown, even of opinions that we, or others, might not agree with. In particular, the core focus of this specific Spacewarp undertaking, is to explore potential FVM DataDAO solutions to the question of Moderation vs. Censorship (vs. Law). How can autonomous systems and decentralised organisations deal with content moderation? How can we bypass corruptible human elements that can influence moderation of (permanent) content: Bias, outside pressure, emotional decisions, politics, or even mistakes? How can we ensure that LEGACY content will stay online "forever" - even if we don't individually agree with it - without risk of being censored by governments, mainstream media and fallible humans?

How it's Made

Despite lengthy careers in tech, for each of the LEGACY founders, this is our first hackathon, where we're learning the ropes. We're pleased to be a part of the prestigious FVM Early Builder's F/1 Cohort, and our dApplication relies heavily on Filecoin and FVM functionality, starting with IPFS, and a need for truly perpetual storage. Hardhat and web3.js to deploy and test our contracts/actors Lotus integration to create/execute deals from the output of the actor (an oracle - or in our case the LEGACY backend/future node to call the dealflow) To expire or modify storage deals based on the moderation actor trigger Frontend for flagging or decision making (DAO based?) to begin the process Rookie mistake - didn't have enough tFIL from the faucet for pre-deadline testing.

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