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Learn3 is the next generation Web3 education NFT protocol that makes each online course an NFT collection. To enroll in the courses on the platform, students need to mint an NFT. The course ownership can be resold, refunded in a timespan, shown as profile picture on ENS, etc.


Created At

ETHNewYork 2022

Project Description

Traditional web2 course platforms have a number of shortcomings: 1. Non-transparent payment and rules, the funding doesn't go to the original content creators. 2. No incentive mechanisms for instructors and TAs to continuously improve course content. 3. Course ownership cannot be resold, or it's being shared in the black market. The reselling profit doesn't go to the original content creators. 4. Learning history is hard to be recorded across different course platforms. (Token metadata SBT, learning profile) 5. No easy setup for individuals to launch course crowdfunding events. 6. No automation and clear refund process & rules that can be easily be executed (like ERC721R) 7. Course review is scattered around different platforms.

Thus, we design a protocol that leverages NFTs to help content creators and instructors to make courses / paid contents more transparent and unique. Some of the most noticeable features include:

Unlockable Content - use NFT to watch course videos & View Contents Secondary digital content marketing (sell NFT and revenue share) Crowd Online course funding mechanism Bulletin board and Reward-offer Task board - Q&A Course refund mechanism ( complete rate / locked income to claim & refund), signature to open specific course unit and log the complete rate Web3 Interest Group, goals and contest We believe that this mechanism an entirely new landscape of opportunities for content creators to provide valuable contents without being taken advantage from or limited by the middleman.

How it's Made

The project uses Polygon as our main blockchain to deploy and test our application. The reason we chose Polygon not only because it is one of the most scalable blockchains in terms of transaction fee, but also it is the only blockchain that is supported natively on, the largest NFT marketplace in the web3 community. It lowers the barrier for new-comers that aren't that familiar with blockchain if the all course ownership can be shown as NFTs and is able to be resold. We also use IPFS to upload all of the course content to make sure even the content itself is distributed across the globe.

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