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A dapp where scientists can save, share and publish their papers with corresponding data. Including profile page and access control for their papers/data for eg. peer reviewers and colleagues.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Labio offers researchers of institutions an alternative data storage, access and maintenance. With Labio DataDao, important data can be storage perpetually by enabling storage to an open-sourced marketplace letting funders and storage providers decide what information is important to keep for the long run. Data is such that it is encrypted only for peer reviewers to see yet they can be stored by anyone preserving the data.

This is enabled by a storage marketplace where members belonging to institutions offer storage data for storage to Storage Providers.

This process first involves members to propose data for storage to their respective institution. Admins of those institutions can vote to accept a data proposal. Once a vote threshold is achieved by admins of their respective institutions, the data is posted on the root DaoManager Contract. Storage Providers can browse through approved data and become a provider storage provider for that data.

Once data is storaged on filecoin, storage providers may come back and validate by claiming a bounty on Labio DAO. The DAO keeps track of the storage providers deal term of the data and which institution such data came from. During reward claims, these providers may claim the reward for their bounty only for the time data has been stored by them. Funds are awarded to the storage provider from each institution to storage providers through Labio DAO. Anyone can fund each institution to keep important information forever.

Application Repository:

Smart Contract Architecture & Repository:

How it's Made

The frontend is powered by next.js. We use web3Auth, wagmi and ethers library for authentication and connecting users to the FEVM. Smart contracts are developed using hardhat with zondax filecoin marketApis. For data encryption and cid creation we used lighthouse.

We are looking forward to integrating a database solution like composableDB or tableland so that we can store more metadata of the files.

The main difficulty was aiming to integrate lotus for deal creations. The solution was to utilize lighthouse and lotus for deal creation first. After members of Labio DAO institutions can propose such data for storage to storage providers. When deals are confirmed, storage providers are awarded with their reward. Some challenges were due to json-rpc and zondax api upgrades or changes. Others were conceptual, piecing together usage of lotus, zondax and filecoin.

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