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L2 Transport DAO

Developer tools to manage and enable connected vehicles for efficiency and sustainability, reduce fleet incidents, road accidents using L2 layer and Ethereum, Near Web3 tools.

L2 Transport DAO

Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Project Description

Developer tools to manage and enable connected vehicles for efficiency and sustainability, reduce fleet incidents, road accidents using L2 layer and Ethereum, Near Web3 tools.


360 degrees access: Command and control centers can manage the complete lifecycle of incident reporting, overall status, enable early stage prevention of accidents and road safety counseling, management of workforce at the incident site.

Tracking transport assets for fleet managers on the go securely, transparently and enabling connected vehicles for efficiency and sustainability, reducing incidents using Web3 tools, L1 and L2 blockchains.

Incident Dashboard: Manage and track your incidents as a citizen along with sharing reviews and comments. Incident reporting, severity analytics and sentiment analysis using social media data for early stage detection and prevention of incidents.

Real Time Alerts and Live Streaming: Real time alerts and live streaming using open source streaming project for incident verification and quick action.

Real Time Analytics: Analytics of the incidents with sentiment analysis and live incident reporting. road safety eco-system. Health summary of the police staff, scheduling the staff. Reducing misinformation.

Contract Management using Near and Near eco-system tools: Fleet license NFT registration module is to enable fleet owners, drivers to register their licenses as well as their registration details in a decentralized manner. An individual can be identified by his/her SSN and his organization or shop by Registry Number both of which for now are integers between 0 and 65535 (16 bit integers). Every SSN or individual is associated with an address of an individual Near (Aurora) account. account. We are developing our own NFT smart contract from the ground up following Near eco-system modules. We are also logging the identities of the vehicle license owners, their ids using exchange of unique identifiers powered by Near (Aurora).

Monitoring and Incident Detection workflow:

Camera Management: Add/edit/delete cameras with a front end application

Object Detection using open source solutions and Pytorch/Tensorflow deep learning library using CNN neural networks.

Video analytics configuration

Live streaming with Object Detection Video Analytics

Alarm storage

Alarm Viewer: Add alarms with a single touch. Open the Alarm Settings menu from the home page. Add an alarm, set the wallpaper or choose an alarm tone. You can also delete an existing alarm.

How it's Made

We have developed a DAO management system using Javascript, HTML5, SAP's UI5 on the front end, L2 layer Ethereum technologies for for lending crypto payments, efficiency and sustainability of the connected EV vehicles, open source video streaming system and donations, insurance module.

We are also using it for enabling sharing of government assets like toll prepaid card, car details information for interstate travel, driving license management and quarterly pollution check and control powered by Open source SocialCalc.

L2 and DAO Tooling Design, Engineering and Implementation:

  1. Optimism: Optimism NFT marketplace dev-tooling for enabling sharing of government R&D assets and service/repair of transport assets. Also, Optimism NFT marketplace for NFC tags of UAVs for enabling sharing of government assets and service/repair of vital assets. This enables improving Data Transparency in transport management, fleet monitoring and early stage detection and prevention of accidents. We have also implemented an invoicing suite toolkit for integration with OP stack used during service or repair payments.

We are in progress to develop 2 key features using Optimism stack for fleet managers and volunteers:

a. Attestation Hub Contract for Fleet Incident Reports

b. Giving free Optimism transactions to citizen developers, journalists, volunteers sharing anonymized report or incident data: We are extending OpenGSN to enable 0 Optimism transaction fees for volunteers sharing anonymized report data using PyTorch or Scikit libraries.

  1. ZK Wallet services for Service/Repair: ZK Transport wallet supports operations like the signing of the transaction and other cryptographic operations across multiple platforms and blockchains that improve the overall usability and interoperability for mobility and transport solutions.

  2. Account Abstraction plugins for Transport DAO using zksync: Account Abstraction Plugins for Transport DAO enables customization of verification logic via plugins with a rule/logic setting, tabulation, organization, visualization tool namely SocialCalc spreadsheet. This allows users to set up rules which their account has to abide by when executing transactions while being able to reconfigure them in the future. The process improves account security by restricting permissions certain keys have while remaining adaptable to the user's changing needs.

Use-cases of Account Abstraction plugins in Transport DAO using zksync:

Enforcing a spending limit for vital transport assets based on the key used for the transaction. Restricting interaction with a certain citizen wallet or DAO dApp to a specific key. Defining session keys, which are allowed to initiate service or repair transactions for only a limited period of time.

Please visit (Account Abstraction plugins for Transport DAO using zksync with Hardhat backend) and (rule and logic setting tool) We are trying to implement the zksync plugins with SocialCalc in pancea wallet. Please visit

We wish to utilize the zksync's Account Abstraction plugins integrated in crypto wallets in the Transport DAO project. This could be especially useful for Government organizations, who would only prefer to use DAO tooling for providing government subsidies for greener fuel and pollution check credits.

Please visit:

  1. UMA: We are using UMA's KPI options + Superfluid as a token streaming protocol that lets vehicle users and consumers create streams of tokens fluidly between addresses. This will enable effective incentivization, management and communication setup for service/repair organizations utilized in Operations and Maintenance. We are extending UMA’s KPI Options with Superfluid’s streaming tokens: Perpetual Conditional Rewards (PCR) tokens that combine Superfluid’s programmable cashflows with UMA’s KPI option concepts. Service Users and administrators would receive immediate benefits and feedback based on how that KPI was doing. Immediate feedback like this would be highly motivating.

Please visit

  1. Fuel Labs: Enabling Transport DAO with Sway Contracts powered by Fuel Labs: We are utilizing DAO implementation using Sway smart contracts mainly for Government organizations, who would only prefer to use DAO tooling for providing government subsidies for greener fuel and pollution check credits. Government organizations can send crypto from source-chain to destination-chain and distribute it equally among all accounts specified for subsidy or reimbursement using call contract with token. Cross chain lending platform: We can supply collateral and borrow tokens from a satellite chain to a fork of Ethereum's mainnet using existing Compound Protocol. Smart contracts for DAO enablement and extension using Sway contracts powered by Fuel Labs. Please visit:

Atomic Swaps of Crypto using Predicates in Fuel: We are extending and adapting the support of Predicates in Fuel for Transport DAO blockchain project to enable cross blockchain interoperability, atomic swaps and transaction management with Ethereum derived crypto, Filecoin/IPFS storage.

Predicates is a unique feature available in Fuel, which lets fleet organizations enable crypto to be sent uniquely to an address representing a particular predicate's bytecode and thereby enable atomic swaps in Transport DAO tooling. Please visit

  1. ZK enabled Transport DAO:

· ZK Transport SDK helps Dapp developers to write globally compatible code across any EVM compatible blockchains for mobility, iot and transport solutions.

· With the ZK Transport SDK, developers can build new wallet solutions that can be used without downloading a separate wallet and if the code is according to the specification the Dapp Developers do not have to change any code to support new Blockchain for improving mobility and transport solutions.

· ZK_Box helps us to authenticate into various applications instantly by generating Zero-knowledge proofs without revealing any of the private data, ie, the password never actually leaves the laptop. It also helps us validate various parameters of the user identity like age using zero-knowledge age proofs. More complicated custom zero-knowledge proof generation like voter anonymization can also be done easily using the ZK-box.

ZK Transport Wallet: We used Electron.JS for building a desktop wallet app.

We used Zokrates for building the ZK-Box.

Contract Management using Near and Near eco-system tools: Fleet license NFT registration module is to enable fleet owners, drivers to register their licenses as well as their registration details in a decentralized manner. An individual can be identified by his/her SSN and his organization or shop by Registry Number both of which for now are integers between 0 and 65535 (16 bit integers). Every SSN or individual is associated with an address of an individual Near (Aurora) account. account. We are developing our own NFT smart contract from the ground up following Near eco-system modules. We are also logging the identities of the vehicle license owners, their ids using exchange of unique identifiers powered by Near (Aurora).

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