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A custom lilypad module for sql streaming through, this provides provenance, version control, and provenance of derivative datasets


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🥇 Filecoin & IPFS — Best Use

Project Description

This project puts into a bacalhau container and runs it by calling a lilypad v2 from the cli. It demonstrates that sql streaming can be performed through a lilypad module to help mange the provenance and veracity of a living dataset pulling from theoretically multiple sources. It takes a manifest from an external api, pulls it into kamu and than pushes it as a dag-pb to ipfs.

How it's Made

A docker image that pulls ipfs and kamu is created, one provides a kamu manifest that instructions from where to pull data and how to store it in sql, once it pulls the data one uses the kamu system ipfs add <dataset> method to add the sql database into a ipfs dab-pb. One than sends the root cid into the lilypad outputs folder, pinning the dag

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