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JuicyQuery: Decentralized AI search engine with user-controlled, privacy-protected query data storage. Empowering you with data sovereignty.


Created At

ETHOnline 2024

Winner of


2nd place

Project Description

JuicyQuery: Decentralized AI Search Engine

JuicyQuery is a cutting-edge, decentralized AI search engine designed to revolutionize the way users interact with search technology. Built on the principles of Web3, JuicyQuery places a strong emphasis on user data sovereignty, privacy, and security, while leveraging advanced AI capabilities to deliver a personalized and seamless search experience.

Key Features:

  1. Decentralized Storage

    • User Data Sovereignty: JuicyQuery ensures that users retain full control over their search data. Unlike traditional search engines that store data in centralized servers, JuicyQuery distributes user queries across a decentralized network of nodes. This means users can decide how their data is used and shared, giving them ultimate control over their information.
    • Privacy Protection: By employing decentralized storage, JuicyQuery significantly enhances user privacy. Search histories, query content, and other sensitive information are not stored in a single, vulnerable location, reducing the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access.
  2. Advanced AI Capabilities

    • Personalized Search: JuicyQuery utilizes AI to analyze user behavior and preferences, offering highly personalized search results. The AI engine learns from user interactions to refine and tailor search outcomes, ensuring that users receive the most relevant information.
  3. Security and Transparency

    • Data Security: The decentralized nature of JuicyQuery's storage system provides robust security features. Data is distributed across multiple nodes, making it highly resistant to attacks and ensuring that even if some nodes fail, the data remains accessible.
    • Transparency: JuicyQuery operates with a high degree of transparency. Users can trace the history of their data, ensuring that it is handled in a fair and transparent manner. This transparency builds trust and confidence in the platform.
  4. Community and Governance

    • Open Platform: JuicyQuery is an open platform that encourages community participation. Developers, researchers, and users can contribute to the platform by providing storage nodes, data sets, and feedback, fostering a collaborative environment.
    • Decentralized Governance: JuicyQuery employs a decentralized governance model, allowing users to participate in decision-making processes through voting and other mechanisms. This ensures that the platform evolves in a manner that reflects the needs and preferences of its users.
  5. Future Prospects

    • Data Sharing Economy: JuicyQuery envisions a future where users can monetize their data by sharing it with researchers, developers, and other stakeholders in a secure and controlled manner. This data sharing economy empowers users to benefit from their data while maintaining control over its usage.
    • Cross-Chain Integration: JuicyQuery aims to integrate with various blockchain networks, enabling cross-chain search capabilities. This integration will allow users to search and access information across different blockchain ecosystems, enhancing the platform's utility and reach.

Technical Implementation

  1. Decentralized Storage with Tableland and Basin

JuicyQuery leverages Tableland's Basin for decentralized storage of user search queries and results. Tableland is a decentralized database protocol that allows for the creation and management of decentralized tables. Basin, a key component of Tableland, facilitates the storage and retrieval of data in a decentralized manner.

  1. AI Model and Web Search Integration for RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation)

JuicyQuery integrates AI models with web search capabilities to build a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) system. RAG combines the strengths of retrieval-based models and generative models to provide intelligent and interactive search experiences.


JuicyQuery represents a paradigm shift in the search engine landscape, combining the power of AI with the principles of decentralization to create a user-centric, secure, and transparent search experience. By prioritizing user data sovereignty and privacy, JuicyQuery empowers users to take control of their information while enjoying a highly personalized and efficient search experience. The technical implementation, leveraging Tableland's Basin for decentralized storage and AI-driven RAG for intelligent interaction, ensures that JuicyQuery delivers on its promise of a next-generation search engine.

How it's Made

How JuicyQuery is Made

JuicyQuery combines the power of Tableland Basin's decentralized storage and AI-driven RAG models to deliver a secure, transparent, and personalized search experience.

Key Features:

  1. Decentralized Storage and User Data Sovereignty

    • Tableland Basin: Utilizes Tableland Basin to build the underlying decentralized object storage (OSS) capabilities. User queries (query) and LLM response results are stored in a decentralized manner. This ensures user data sovereignty, allowing users to fully control their data without worrying about centralized storage and misuse.
    • Data Security: Through distributed storage, user data is encrypted and dispersed across multiple nodes, enhancing data security and privacy protection.
  2. AI-Driven RAG Fusion Search

    • RAG Model: Combines LLM (Large Language Model) with web search results. JuicyQuery employs RAG (Retrieval-Augmented Generation) technology to provide intelligent search capabilities.


JuicyQuery offers a secure, transparent, and highly personalized search experience by leveraging Tableland Basin's decentralized storage and RAG model's intelligent fusion. Users can fully control their data while enjoying AI-driven intelligent search services.

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