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Gain insights into your profit and loss in relation to your initial positions within the lending protocol. It's easy, accurate, and user-friendly. #InvestmentTracking #ProfitLoss


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Problem to be Addressed:

Currently, it is challenging for users of lending protocols to determine how much they have earned or lost based on the value of assets deposited and the changes in those assets over time. This difficulty arises for the following reasons:

Tracking History: It's difficult for users to track when and with what value they deposited assets and took out loans. Volatility: The value of assets in lending protocols constantly fluctuates, making it challenging for users to accurately assess their gains or losses.

Proposed Solution:

Utilizing User Data: The project leverages users' on-chain data to extract information about how much and at what value users deposited their assets. Tracking Changes: It offers a service that enables users to easily understand how the quantity of their assets has changed with respect to the current value.

Through this, users can use lending protocols more transparently and make asset management and profit tracking more straightforward. The project aims to provide users with tools and services to effectively track and manage asset transactions within lending protocols.

How it's Made

We built this project by collecting data in two main parts: historical data and current data, and visualizing it on the frontend. Here are the nitty-gritty details:

  • Historical Data

We obtain historical data by leveraging well-established indexes in The Graph. We access this data through GraphQL APIs provided by The Graph.

  • Current Data

For current data, we utilized Alchemy API.

Partner Technologies Used

  • We benefited from The Graph as a partner technology.
  • This technology contributes to the activation of The Graph ecosystem by increasing The Graph API calls.
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