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Backup your database seamlessly from web2 providers (AWS Dynamo )<> IPFS to with a single line of code.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

The only way to enable better adoption for web3 is to combine the best of both worlds - speed(centralized providers) & verifiability (IPFS).

This helps web3 companies combine the speed and scale of web2(AWS) and verifiability & storage of IPFS by allowing devs and protocols to store their Database snapshots on IPFS via Lighthouse.

How it's Made

This project uses Lighthouse storage and AWS Dynamo DB's client libraries to instantiate and Dynamo class, wherein devs can input their AWS credentials. With a single command, they can then store their Database snapshots to IPFS.

I've used Lighthouse as a storage provider enabling a better DX.

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