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Infinite Mapper

A gamified map generator enabling everyone to walk in the map and generate a rogue-like map with randomness. The entire map data will then be stored fully on-chain and open to integrate with any games.

Infinite Mapper

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Infinite mapper would allow users to easily create new maps, add content to the game, and even earn rewards through the map design. In the operating interface, the player character is displayed as a red dot, and 25 randomly generated land tiles are first created around them. Players can navigate using keyboard controls, generating new tiles(such as space/sea/grassland) at each location where they move. Different land formations have corresponding max amounts. Once the empty land tiles have been used, the entire map will automatically close, and all empty land tiles around the map will become walls, thus completing the map. By clicking Save, the entire map will be uploaded onto the chain, and the storage process is built by Mud V2. We can see a large array in the transaction record. This represents the coordinates, land formations, and other details of the map. The generated map will become an NFT owned by the player and can be embedded to any game.

How it's Made

We have pre-defined some rules for users to generate different land formations. For example, we want sea and grasslands to be connected; hence the chance of generating sea and grassland tiles around them is increased. Thanks to these rules, users can easily walk on the map and a playable new map can be generated. Every one can be a designer during the process.

To save gas fees, the creation of the map is temporarily managed on the frontend. We plan to migrate to L3 to make the process gas-efficient and verifiable. The entire map data is stored on blockchain and built with Mud V2.

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