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InCred - Credentialing as a service to Storage Providers on the Filecoin network.


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

inCred is a platform that helps evaluate the credibility of storage providers on the filecoin network. Storage providers create a profile and obtain a soulbound certificate, representing their credibility (on a scale of 3-tiers). FilRep's API helps determine the appropriate credentialing tier to assign to each miner, as well as other information we showcase to describe each provider - such as their region, total raw power, average storage deal price, etc. inCred aim to be a modular, middle-layer credentialing service - allowing seamless integrations with other reputation systems and serving as a base layer 'credentialing lego' utility other dApps may build on top of. By obtaining a credential, storage providers can gain access to a lending and pooling system within the platform, as well as access to a faucet which gradually streams funds into credentialed users wallets.

How it's Made

inCred comprises of a react.js frontend and an express backend. Our browser-based frontend allows miners to register their ID as a profile, then mint a credential as an ERC-721 token. The express backend handles reputation data from FilRep's API to help determine a proper credential of our 3 tiers to assign the miner.

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