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One stop solution for all your cross chain needs. A seamless cross chain native token swap.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Hyperfeul is a cross chain protocol which provides several feature to the user. We've seen that each chain has it's own gas native token. Hyperfuel has made is easy for the users to transfer and convert their native token from one chain to another. Like users of Avalance chain can swap their Avalance for Polygon and the Polygon will be deposited to user's polygon chain.

Users can also transfer their ERC20 tokens across chains with a single click.

Users can go to earn section, stake their native tokens and earn bridging fees.

How it's Made

The Refill feature uses Hyperlane messaging API for cross chain messaging and chainlink price data feed for calculation of price conversion. It uses Hyperlane Query API to verify that the destination has sufficient liquidity. The Bridge feature uses Hyperlane warp routes for cross chain ERC20 token transfers. I've deployed Graph protocol subgraph on each supported chain for cross chain transfer event tracking.

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