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Tokenization of Real Estate which you help in easy selling and buying of Physical properties. It will also reduce the number of frauds and enhance security and trust in this space.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

Here is a summary of tokenization of real estate:

Fractional Ownership: Tokenization enables fractional ownership of real estate, where investors can buy and own a portion of a property. Each token represents a share of the asset's value and potential income.

Increased Liquidity: Traditional real estate investments are often illiquid, requiring substantial time and effort to buy or sell. Real estate tokens can be traded on secondary markets, providing greater liquidity and flexibility for investors.

Lower Investment Threshold: Tokenization makes real estate investment more accessible, allowing people with smaller budgets to participate in the real estate market and diversify their portfolios.

Global Accessibility: Investors from around the world can participate in real estate markets in different countries, eliminating geographical barriers and expanding investment opportunities.

Transparency and Security: Blockchain technology ensures transparency and security by recording all transactions and ownership details on a distributed ledger. This reduces fraud and enhances trust in the investment process.

Reduced Costs: Tokenization can lower transaction costs associated with traditional real estate transactions, such as legal fees, broker commissions, and administrative expenses.

Democratization of Investment: Tokenization democratizes real estate investment by opening opportunities to a broader range of individuals and institutions, reducing the influence of a few large players.

How it's Made

The project uses solidity as a backend (smart contracts). For frontend NextJs, Typescript, and Tailwind CSS are used. For wallet connections and interacting with smart contracts, Wagmi and Rainbowkit are used.

And when it comes to partner technology we are using push protocol for message services we provide on our platform. We also use The Graph for query indexes.

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