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HomeChain - a way of keeping track of home improvements and maintenance records


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


👯 Polybase — Pool Prize

Project Description

A lot goes into our homes, time and money wise. A new washing machine, getting that leaking skylight replaced, and those extra fun ones like getting your septic tank pumped.

It can be difficult keeping track of all these however, and in five years you when your basements flooded, you might be asking yourself, “Who installed that water-heater?”. That’s where HomeChain comes in.

Homechain gives all those improvements and upkeep records a private, organized, sharable, and transferable, place to live.

While helpful for while you own the home, another benefit is that when it comes time to sell your home, you have a complete record of when improvements were made and who did them to pass on to the next owners. To be able to easily know when particular work was done and by who has the potential to save many headaches for new home owners.

How it's Made

This project uses the Polygon blockchain, Polybase database, Google Places API, Precisely API, as well as AWS Lambda.

When the user initially wants to add their home, a Polybase record is created with that properties information, along with their public key so only they can update it. Once that record is created, the URL of the records is set as the Token URI and an NFT is created, tied to the users wallet.

When the user wants to add a new maintenance record, a new Polybase record is created in the maintenance collection, and the respective home collection record is updated to include the newly added maintenance record.

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