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Hide Real IP - Blockchain-Powered Reverse Proxy for Your Website


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

Hide Real IP is an innovative proxy solution designed for those who seek to maximize their website's online privacy and protect it from potential hacker attacks. Our platform operates on blockchain rails and provides website owners with a secure and reliable way to conceal their site's real IP address.

Key Advantages:

Simplicity and Effectiveness: Hiding your website's real IP address has never been easier. Simply purchase an NFT voucher, configure our DNS, and your IP will remain in the shadows. It's an efficient way to ensure your web project's privacy. Security and Speed: Our proxy is built using the Golang programming language, ensuring high speed and reliability. All your requests will be swiftly redirected through our infrastructure, guaranteeing the security of your online activities. Reliability and Resilience: Our infrastructure is designed to withstand attacks and failures. You can rest assured that your website will be available and secure under any circumstances. Maximum Privacy: We value your privacy. No personal data is stored in our systems. The entire process of anonymizing your IP address is completely confidential. Flexible Payment: You can select the duration of your IP anonymization: 1, 3, 6, 12, or 24 months, by acquiring the corresponding NFT voucher. It's a flexible and secure way to ensure continuous protection for your site. Blockchain-Powered NFTs: Our NFTs operate on zkEVM chains with low transaction fees, such as Scroll and Mantle, ensuring cost-effective and efficient IP anonymization.

How it's Made

How It's Made

Project Evolution: Hide Real IP is a continually evolving project that combines privacy and cutting-edge technology. It operates as a partially private platform that ensures the confidentiality of users' data and web activities. Here's how we make it happen:

Golang Proxy and DNS Database: Our project relies on a custom-built Golang Proxy that securely manages a DNS database. This database is at the core of our operations and is essential for routing web traffic through our secure infrastructure. Additionally, we have a GRPC backend for CoreDNS, ensuring efficient DNS resolution.

NFT-Based Authentication: To access our services, users must possess NFT (Non-Fungible Token) assets. These NFTs serve as access keys to Hide Real IP. We've implemented a robust authentication system that verifies the presence of valid NFT ownership, ensuring that only authorized users can utilize our platform.

Technology Stack: For this hackathon, we're presenting a preliminary frontend framework built using Vue.js. Vue.js offers a user-friendly and dynamic interface, making it easier for users to interact with our platform. Additionally, we've developed a secure NFT smart contract using Solidity, which is deployed through the Remix IDE. This contract handles NFT verification and grants access to our IP-hiding services.

Hide Real IP is built on a foundation of privacy, security, and innovative technology, offering users a seamless experience while safeguarding their online privacy. We're excited to continue developing and enhancing our platform to ensure the highest level of protection for our users' web activities.

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