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An easy way for people all across the world to get online consultations with doctors.


Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

Over the past 2 years people we have witnessed some of the most extreme medical catastrophes to affect humankind over the past couple decades. Today more than ever, health is the most important thing on peoples minds other than inflation. Including the new health emergency that the Ukraine war has brought on with multiple food security crisises around the world and some even leading to governments being overthrown such as in Sri-Lanka and the also the atrocities that are experienced by civilians in areas with ongoing conflict.

I built this platform as a way for people to find and communicate with doctors of different fields to get information or advice on whatever issues they might have. It was important that it was decentralized and based on a Web3 framework as that would allow for people living in places where the government restricts how they can use their money, for them to be able to reach beyond their borders and find help online with any doctor in any specific field around the world.

In future if this app would be successful then I would also add sections in the platform where people experiencing the same problem can form a group chat and communicate with each other and other doctors who are experts in the topic. I would also add a feature where people can receive authentic blockchain descriptions from doctors as NFTs.

But for now the platform is meant to simple allow a user to either list themselves as a doctor and ask for their credentials to be verified and the other user can just view the listings of doctors profiles made and purchase a consultation slot.

How it's Made

I used solidity for the backed and making of the smart contract and made 2 smart contracts, one for the platform and one for the NFT the doctors receive once they are verified. I used hardhat and ethers.js to deploy the contract and it was deployed on the Polygon Mumbai testnet. I also stored the image of the verified NFT on ipfs as well as a picture I wanted to use for the hompage.

I then used the Nextjs framework to form the frontend where I used a lot of react components to make the descriptions of the frontend and used ethers/ethereum.window function to connect my web3 wallet and connect my functions to the backend.

I attempted to build this whole project on my own which was a very bad decision on my part although I had a lack of trust of other teammates due to the poor or non-perfomance of the ones I had during the Hackfs hackathon.

All-in-all I couldn't complete the project on my own as I was debugging so many issues on the frontend side that I couldn't even get all my functions to connect properly to the bakcend and couldn't even do any CSS on my components.

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