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A dapp that leverages the power of blockchain technology, specifically Filecoin FVM Blockchain, to enable secure drug authentication. It allows users to verify the authenticity of pharmaceutical products, and get crucial drug information directly from the manufacturer.


Created At

HackFS 2023

Project Description

This project is a decentralized application (dapp) developed on the Filecoin FVM Blockchain that focuses on secure drug authentication. Its primary objective is to combat the widespread issue of counterfeit pharmaceutical products and enhance patient safety.

The dapp provides a transparent and immutable solution for verifying the authenticity of drugs. It utilizes the decentralized nature of blockchain technology to ensure the integrity of data and transactions. By leveraging the Filecoin FVM Blockchain, the project benefits from its secure and distributed infrastructure, which enhances the overall reliability and trustworthiness of the system.

Key features of the dapp include:

  1. Product Authentication: The dapp allows users to verify the authenticity of pharmaceutical products by checking their unique identifiers or codes against the blockchain records. This verification process ensures that the product has not been tampered with and originates from a legitimate manufacturer.

  2. Manufacturer Tracking: The dapp enables the tracking of manufacturers involved in the production of drugs. Manufacturers can register themselves on the platform, providing their essential details such as name and wallet address. This information is securely stored on the blockchain, allowing users to verify the legitimacy of the manufacturers associated with the products.

  3. IPFS Integration: The dapp utilizes IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) to store and retrieve drug-related information such as PDF documents and images. IPFS ensures decentralized and distributed storage, improving data availability and resilience., a popular IPFS integration, is used to securely store the drug information, ensuring its accessibility and integrity.

  4. Counterfeit Prevention: By leveraging blockchain technology and IPFS, the dapp significantly reduces the risk of counterfeit drugs. The immutable and transparent nature of the blockchain, coupled with IPFS's decentralized storage, provides an auditable trail and ensures that crucial drug information is tamper-proof and accessible to users.

Overall, this project aims to revolutionize the drug authentication process by leveraging the power of blockchain, IPFS, and decentralized technologies. It promotes trust, transparency, and safety in the pharmaceutical industry, benefiting both manufacturers and consumers alike.

How it's Made

This project was built using various technologies and components to achieve its objectives of secure drug authentication. The key technologies used include Filecoin FVM Blockchain, React for the frontend, IPFS for decentralized file storage, and sponsor technologies such as Spheron and

The backend of the project is developed using Solidity, the programming language for smart contracts on the Ethereum platform. Specifically, the Filecoin FVM (Filecoin Virtual Machine) Blockchain was utilized to leverage its secure and decentralized infrastructure. The smart contract written in Solidity manages the authentication logic, manufacturer registration, product creation, and item verification.

For the frontend, React, a popular JavaScript library, was used to build the user interface. React allowed for the creation of a responsive and interactive user experience, enabling users to easily interact with the dapp. The frontend communicates with the smart contract on the blockchain to fetch and display relevant data.

To store the drug information securely and in a decentralized manner, IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) was integrated into the project. IPFS provides a distributed file system where files are addressed by their content rather than location, ensuring data availability and redundancy., a sponsor technology, was used as an integration to interact with IPFS and securely store the drug-related files. This integration benefitted the project by simplifying the interaction with IPFS and ensuring reliable storage of the drug information.

As for notable hacks or clever implementations, the project leveraged the Spheron technology, a sponsor technology, for deploying the frontend on IPFS. Spheron simplifies the process of deploying React applications on IPFS, allowing for easy distribution and accessibility of the frontend interface.

Overall, the project brings together the power of Filecoin FVM Blockchain, React, IPFS, and sponsor technologies like Spheron and It combines blockchain-based authentication, decentralized file storage, and a user-friendly frontend to create a robust and secure drug authentication dapp.

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