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A decentralized password manager built using IPFS with simple encryption and wallet DIDs.


Created At

ETHIndia 2022

Project Description

The current solution for the storage of passwords is centralized. Due to this fact, there are some problems.

  1. The first and most important problem is the centralization of data, which is an easy target for theft.
  2. The Second problem is that we trust a third party (whom we never met) for our important credentials.
  3. Another problem is that our funds will be struck when the server of our provider is down. So we are proposing this solution which is decentralized, which means we only are responsible for our funds and we all know that it's very rare for the blockchain networks to go down. Our funds are safe and secured :)

We are not directly storing the user's credentials in the IPFS, we are first converting the JSON to a blob file. Then we encrypt it via LIT protocol and then store it on IPFS. After getting the CID of the IPFS we then store it on the Ceramic network. On fetching, we are decrypting the data and then show it to the user. Because our application is DID powered, the security is very high.

How it's Made

  1. The biggest challenge was integrating ceramic and IPFS together. There was not much documentation on it. Luckily we found some resources and get with it. (To be honest, it was research-oriented hacking because most of the things we have to figure out by ourselves)
  2. The documentation was not that beginner-friendly.
  3. It was quite a challenging task to think of a solution to wrap up all the IPFS documents together.
  4. The issue was also to convert the JSON file into a blob file, encrypt it, and then store it in IPFS. The same has to be done while receiving the file.
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