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Habitat Health

Building a prototype peer-to-peer health data storage data system, that enables an open, composable yet private health data network. With Habitat Health, we believe we can make health data a collaborative, positive-sum system for all participants.

Habitat Health

Created At

ETHOnline 2022

Project Description

A civilization’s ability to solve critical challenges to progress, such as avoiding pandemics and solving aging, is positively correlated to information availability. Unfortunately, today, health data is created, controlled and stored by opaque organizations such as governments and large enterprises.

Habitat Health is a peer-to-peer data system, that enables an open, composable yet private health data network. With Habitat Health, we believe we can make health data a collaborative, positive-sum system for all participants.

Our prototype for Habitat Health will be a demo of the User Experience of sharing health data between two users through a demo app, linked to an incomplete Habitat SDK.

How it's Made

The prototype is a demo Flutter app and a set of early Dart SDKs. One of the Dart SDKs is dwn_sdk, which is a prototype implementation of Decentralized Web Node, a specification being developed by the Decentralized Identity Foundation (DIF). habitat_sdk builds upon DWN with some sharing capabilities that use dwn_sdk under the hood. We won't be building a full implementation of DWN at the moment as it is a changing specification.

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