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The Hotspot 4G/5G for telecom network, connect seamless to a new network and enjoy pay as you go data.


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Winner of


🧞 Worldcoin β€” Most Creative Use Case


🏊 Scroll β€” Deploy a Smart Contract

Project Description

We give the possibility for the user to connect to a telecom network 4G/5G without the need to buy a SIM card. We have generic eSIM/SIM that just make the connection possible The user identify himself if the network require it wit ZK KYC token The user is able to stack token on a data plan We provide a proof of humanity base on the user location and usage of the network.

How it's Made

We use a small cell for 4G/5G private networks We modify the rule to make it working like an access point We have a smart contract where the access is granted depending on requirement from, the user. We have a backend in python that monitor the blockchain to give access to the user when they have KYC and Staked. The backend also report nice data to the admin interface. The backend bill the user for his usage and remove some token from the user stake The backend expose an interface to build ZK proof for proof of Humanity The frontend in React/Bootstrap give a nice interface for the user to connect to the network with his wallet, ZK KYC and stake token. The frontend display the admin interface

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