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Create, manage and share data while respecting your clients privacy and countries law!


Created At

FVM Space Warp

Project Description

Many application suffer from poor data management which makes it hard to build different programs that are interoperable. This is a true problem in web2 as more company aims to be interoperable but also found echo in countries where governement see the "lock in" that exist a problem and create things such as the open data initiative. In web3 decentralisation is a principle that most application are built on but often the concept of data itself is not really put infront

The aim of this project is to try to help companies have a better data governance. The project aims at providing a simple service to help them create data models that can be verifiable but also shared with different set of permissions. This could lead to different benefit for the different stakeholder:

  • The company building his app: They will have a decentralised service allowing them to build specific schema that could easily be shared with different companies which in turn would allow people to also build around the data they might decide to propose with some specific actors contract

  • The company's client: They can see what their data is used for and if a company will reward them for sharing their data. They could also see who is using their data with some contracts

  • Third parties: Depending on rules set on the data that could be easily seen by both previous stakeholders, they can leverage a company data without accessing private part and get analytics from different company. They could choose to create shared pool of dataset in order to provide fully anonymous access to some of their information if the dataset provided by some companies are known to be trustable.

The interface to do those transaction need to be easy to use and not be fully aimed at web3 in order to ease the transition for those that are unfamiliar with it. The service being built must allow people to easily build and manage their dataset in a "web2 way" but later on with only a few click allow them to put their data in a decentralised storage and see the benefit of web3 compared to staying in the old system. Once in the web3 ecosystem they would be able to build complete ecosystem surrounding their data thanks to the creation of actors that could be used as both onchain and offchain service.

The service is also aimed at easing transition between companies that comes from web2 environement only. The goal is to allow a set of tool that would work with current systems to be used while slowly getting into web3 thanks to an easy to use interface and ability to choose between keeping some service centralised and gradually decentralise them. The data structure choice should also reflect what most companies are using in their system today to ease the creation of libraries

How it's Made

The web interface will be build using react as it is a well used framework and have a very wide pool of developer that could dig in the code. There is also a lot of available tools such as wagmi but also third parties tool like web3auth. We might use web3auth to allow users to log using their old system with an email or social media to log in but also leverage the wallet creation part that is easily made. Depending on the time we could use wagmi to only implement the sign in with a web3 network and extend an opendID server to use this.

Once the user is logged we plan on giving him access to three main panel

  1. An analytics panel where he can see all the related information of his dataset

    * This would contain information about his data set, where his data are located and basic analytics over it
    * Analitycs done by FVM agents...
  2. A dataset creation page

    * Allow him to create the dataset he wants and set rules of privacy and accessibility in order to share them online
    * A group management to give access to some of the data part to other companies
    * Set up the fees and percentage reward the users data might receives
    * Links to generate a form page to give to clients
    * The confidential data might be used in making analytics leveraging zero knowledge access by setting function maybe.
  3. A market place page

    * Allow him to browse other data set and ask for access giving a certain price
    * Specific data on his data set?

As of now the thinking is to leverage data access from the fvm actor in order to create permissions on the dataset that are created. We plan on maybe sharding the data created a bit like a graph with pieces that are public and other that are private with their set of permission and have a link in them so that the data part can be "sold" independantly but also keeping the private data away from the wrong hands.

The other part is to have the schema verification done by fvm agent that are authentified on the blockchain network by the address and have a reputation score or be a specific actor from a specific company also have a specific contract address which would make him an "official one". This would ensure the data integrity but also allow everyone to create their own dataset and analytical agents

The additional benefit of having the data stored on the blockchain is that the access to the data can easily be tracked at the end which gives full transparency on how an entity is using his data

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