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Grafana plugin to ingest on/off-chain data from a dapp and displays it in a Grafana dashboard


Created At

ETHGlobal Lisbon

Project Description

We created a JavaScript/TypeScript plugin for Grafana that seamlessly connects Sumer SDK.

Sumer is an EVM-compatible SDK that traces the interaction between the dapp and its users. The software's goal is to make it effortless to get on/off-chain data from a dapp to create the dapp's big picture in one single place.

Our Grafana plugin allows users to pull blockchain data and off-chain events directly into a Grafana dashboard. For example, you may read events from a dapp's front-end, connect these to the transaction executed after, and quickly transform and visualize the data as a user journey to get insights.

As a use case, we forked the AAVE front-end to simulate real interactions and transactions. You can interact with it as well, just make sure to get some ETH testnet and coins from the AAVE staging faucet.

You can see the dashboard

How it's Made

We built the plugin using JavaScript/TypeScript and Grafana's data structure to build a Grafana Data Source object and the Grafana Panel object that displays the data and visualizations.

You can integrate Sumer SDK to your dapp's front-end to gather its interactions. The SDK sends the data to Sumer's back-end and interacts with the Grafana plugin through an API REST.

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