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Smart Contracts, Smarter Statistics, Smart actions GovChainBoard es una herramienta interoperable con varias blockchain EVM que utilice un contrato del estandard Gobernor de OppenZeppelin.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🌊 Tableland — Best use of Tableland Basin


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

GovChainBoard, integrates data analytics tools with the blockchain so that users, especially DAO participants, can make data-driven decisions. We want to empower communities for better governance while preserving the decentralization, privacy and security of their DAOs. The future is to grow in community!

A user-friendly statistical dashboard tool for governance proposals and decision making, regardless of the DAO and/or BLockchain you belong to.

How it's Made

Scroll: a network where we built a customized DAO for our project and verified that we followed all the standards of the OppenZeppelin Governor contract.

The Graph: we used it to be able to make requests efficiently in the blockchain in a decentralized way.

IPFS; (under development) to store decentralized on-chain data and thus, ensure the immutability and trust of the analyses we carry out.

FileCoin: Not a very good experience working with its documentation and comuntity.

TableLand: We have deployed something testing this tool, but there where a requirement about the https that stop us.

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