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gm Fam!

Migrate your NFT community from the original one accompanied by your Frens, wrapping the NFTs into a new diverged Smart Contract. Because with "gm Fam!", we believe that the best communities are the ones we choose to build together!

gm Fam!

Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Project Description

In the web3 world, many degens and users were excited about NFT Collections that represented community vibes, goals, and plans for the future. But as time went on, whether in a few weeks or after several years, about 90% of these NFT communities lost their activity and traction. This left many NFT holders feeling stuck and frustrated because these collections were either controlled by the founders or depended too much on the entire community of holders.

This decrease in activity often happened because founders lost interest when they didn't make enough money, or there was less activity from the community. Sometimes, there were disagreements inside the community. As things slowed down, some community members started selling their NFTs.

To fix this problem, we came up with "gm Fam!". It's a way for dedicated community members to start a new NFT Collection using the original NFTs (this is called "wrapping"). This new collection stays connected to the original but has new rules, goals, and directions.

Our easy-to-use dApp lets any NFT holder or community group (called a SAFE) set up a wrapped NFT Smart Contract. This is for community members who want a new direction. Features include choosing new fees for creators, making a list of addresses or tokenIDs that can join, setting a new price for MINT, and choosing metadata. You can see how it works in the attached screens.

So, what's the result? A new Smart Contract that lets NFT holders move to their own new ''gm Fam!' collection. New users just go to the project's website, give permission to the new Smart Contract to handle their NFTs, and then make a move with one transaction.

Here are some questions we find interesting:

  1. What happens when you sell or give away the new NFT? The new NFT works like any other NFT because it follows the ERC-721 standard. If someone else gets it, they can choose to go back to the original collection. If they do, the token in the new collection is destroyed.

  2. How can you go back to the original collection? Users can use a simple feature: the new NFT is destroyed, and they get back ownership of the original NFT from the original Smart Contract.

  3. Why is this a good idea? Our method is flexible. This means developers can add more features to it, like connecting to other systems, working with DAOs, and more.

How it's Made

We constructed 'gm Fam!' with a blend of simple but impactful technology and streamlined design. At the heart of our project lies the Smart Contracts, crafted using Solidity. These Smart Contracts are the backbone, responsible for the distinctive functionalities like setting the minting price, managing ownership, and the distinctive wrapping and minting capabilities. For those wanting to revert to the original collection, our Smart Contract also incorporates a function to reverse the wrapping.On the front-end side, we utilized a suite of technologies including Next.js, Rainbow Kit, Chakra UI, CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. We prioritized creating a user interface that's not only easy to navigate but also lightweight, ensuring swift site performance and no complications in the user journey. Those interested in adapting our approach can effortlessly fork the front-end and tailor it to their needs.In the design domain, Adobe Illustrator and Figma were our tools of choice. We envisioned a design that speaks volumes without being cluttered. The use of fruits in our design symbolizes rejuvenation, while the terminologies echo the spirit and lingo of the vibrant web3 community. Clean, clear, and compelling, that's the essence of 'gm Fam!'.DEMO Sepolia Original NFT Collection: 0x4547349c64ffaed8b3e27e7b2069345fc8eeba1b DEMO Sepolia gmFam! Contract: 0x9Ee492011c5C3Ac93d4CbB2B6877f23023b49D5D

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