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Enable to abstract fees cross chain : I'll have a reserve on L1 that will regulary ajust L2 paymaster staking to abstract user's fees on L2. This aim to onboard newbies on L2, allowing them to use it without bridging eth themselves


Created At

Scaling Ethereum 2023

Winner of


🏊‍♀️ UMA & Across — Pool Prize

Project Description

Globaal abstraction is a tool that use erc4337 to enable user from the Layer 1 to try to use some of the chain allowing to bring gas abstraction on multichains.

Indeed, the goal is to allow new users who arrive on Ethereum to have abstraction on Layer 1 to be able to use it easily on different chains. This will facilitate the creation and management of Wallet.

To do so hell mint an NFT and send some ether at the same time. It will create a reserve that is linked to the account on L1 and he’ll register other accounts on altchains. Ang get abstracted gas tx

How it's Made

First of all, we will create an NFT on layer1. Once created we open an account on another Layer which will be whitelisted by calling Layer1. To do this, we call Connext which allows, thanks to its inter-chain messaging, to call the whitelsit function on the paymaster of the other chain (in our case on Layer 1 of Ethereum). This will allow to use the paymaster of the chain to pay gas fees.

The user on layer2 will be able to make transactions without paying the fees directly. When the amount of gas is sufficiently used, a trigger function is activated. When this trigger function is activated, a call will be made to L1 to decrease the reserve of the used gas amount. This allows to have a reserve amount more or less equal to the real amount.

Let's imagine that a user makes on many layers tx with small amounts that will not trigger at any time this function, this can empty the real reserve that approaches 0. To avoid this, we call an oracle that freezes the paymaster to have no more free charges

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