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GeeksGather: Where like-minded tech enthusiasts unite in gated communities, verifying expertise and fostering genuine connections. Join us to expand your network and knowledge.


Created At

ETHOnline 2023

Winner of


🏊 Scroll — Pool Prize

Project Description

GeeksGather is a cutting-edge platform designed to bring together tech enthusiasts in a secure, collaborative environment. Our core focus is on fostering meaningful connections among like-minded individuals while maintaining the utmost standards of expertise and trust. Here's an in-depth look at the features and future goals of our project:


  • Gated Communities: GeeksGather creates exclusive communities where tech enthusiasts can connect, collaborate, and share knowledge with trusted peers.

  • Knowledge Check: We employ a dynamic quiz system powered by GPT and LangChain to verify the expertise of potential members. This ensures that the community is populated by individuals who genuinely understand their field.

  • Guild and Token Check: To further establish the credibility of our members, we perform checks to validate their involvement in relevant guilds or token-based networks.

  • GitHub Verification (ZK Proof): Our platform examines GitHub profiles using zero-knowledge proofs, confirming the authenticity and expertise of contributors.

  • ZK SBT Gating and Allowlist: We incorporate Scroll for privacy and security, allowing us to control access through a zero-knowledge succinct blockchain technology (ZK SBT) and create an allowlist for approved members.

  • Real-time Chat Room: GeeksGather provides a real-time chat room using the Push Protocol, enabling instant and seamless communication between community members.

  • ZK-based Proof of Community: We implement a zero-knowledge-based system to ensure the authenticity and commitment of our community members, thereby enhancing the overall quality of interactions.

Future Goals:

  • Community AI Chatbot: In our quest to make GeeksGather a hub for learning and collaboration, we are developing an AI chatbot trained on technical documentation. This chatbot will provide valuable assistance and support to our community members.

  • Enhanced ZK Eligibility Checks: We plan to expand our zero-knowledge-based eligibility checks to further safeguard user privacy while maintaining the authenticity of our community.

  • Multiple Chat and Video Support: In the future, GeeksGather aims to introduce various chat and video support channels, enhancing the collaborative capabilities of our platform.

GeeksGather is the ultimate destination for tech enthusiasts looking to connect with verified, knowledgeable peers in a secure and innovative community. Join us to be a part of a thriving ecosystem where expertise and genuine connections take center stage.

How it's Made

To ensure eligblity for community access we used various technologies. We used LLM based dynamic quiz to verify technical expertice of user. So that only people with knowledge of that technology can join it's community. We integrated , which can be used to verify if a user is part of a guild or not. We also have ZK based proof of development, where using Github OAuth we prove if user has x amount of github repositories. Since this is a ZK proof , user's github is not shared.

Scroll is used to control the allowlist of the community. When user passes all checks they are added to the allowlist. The community is powered by Push Group Chat. We also have a Proof Of Community QR , which on scan gives a ZK verifiable claim that proves community enrollment.

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